We talked to a dwarf the other day (not a midget, but a dwarf - look up the difference, it is quite interesting). We are actually going to meet with him on Saturday, and he seemed fairly interested in our message. Another person we will be meeting with this week is a hip-hop/rap singer that is way cool. He wants to be our friend, which is awesome because we usually have to try really hard to make people feel comfortable around us.
This week we had a lot of fruit, so I froze some up and made smoothies. They are way delicious, and all of the elders were impressed. Too bad all we have are apples, bananas, and oranges - but those are still good.
The weather this week has been weird - for a few days it was warm (about 5-7 C) and all of the snow started to melt. It seemed like the start of spring. But then it was way cold and snowed over a foot the next day. Then some of it melted. We are back to the cold and snowing. I think it is about -4 C right now.
Today we went to the zoo, which was pretty cool, but very cold. They have some awesome penguins and polar bears.
Anyways, it was a great week. Next pday is transfer day, so I might not have time to write (if my companion or I get transferred we have to go to Sapporo). But if I stay with my same companion, we will probably have a lot of time to email next week. So we'll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for all of the letters and love. I love you all.
Elder Christensen