I get to email this week. But, since time is short, I won't be able to respond to any of your emails.
It was a good week last week. We had a goal to give out 7 BoMs and we did it! The highlight for the week for me was meeting an American that used to be meeting with the missionaries in Osaka. I didn't set up a next appointment with him, but we will surely meet again and talk more about the gospel. It was so nice to speak English and not have to think about what I was saying.
This past Monday I hit my 6 month in Japan mark! I have been a missionary for over 8 months now. How crazy is that?
This past Sunday we heard news at church that the Japanese MTC in Tokyo will be closing in November and all Japanese missionaries after that will go to the Provo MTC.
Well, sorry this is short, but I have to go. I will try to write a good letter today or next pday.