Monday, October 4, 2010

Chimichangas with President Daniels

It's October! Crazy! Time is flying by so fast. This past week we had leadership training for 4 days, so most of my week was spent on a chair being spiritually uplifted. We had a lot of really good training and now I feel like a better missionary. Hopefully it will translate into some results. We still can't get a hold of Doi san, our investigator who was lined up to get baptized a couple of weeks ago.
Yesterday we got to teach a guy from Zambia. I think I got a taste of what Bryce experienced on his mission. The guy was really humble and wants to know all about the Book of Mormon. We are excited to keep teaching him. Hopefully he will refer his other African friends to us and we can teach them all.
Also, last night we got to eat with President Daniels at his house. I think he was lonely because his wife and daughter were gone(in America for a different daughter's wedding), so he invited us, the Odori sisters, and the APs over for dinner. He made chimichangas and they were super delicious.
Recently I have worked on having increased love for all of the people that we meet and it has made an amazing difference in my missionary work. We have miracles everyday. Like a kid we met this past week named Kazuya. We taught him a lesson on the street and met him a couple days later. When I asked him why he was meeting with us he said, "I want to know more about that baptism thing that you were talking about." He really wants to get baptized, but unfortunately is really busy studying in order to get into a good college. But we are praying for him.

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