Monday, November 15, 2010

Race to the Finish is On!

It sounds like life is great in America. Japan is pretty good, too. Mom, don't worry about not sending Thanksgiving dinner, Sister Daniels is taking care of us and cooking us a proper meal. But I am enjoying Japan while I am here, so you also don't need to worry about that. And even though you didn't send me a package, I got an awesome package from Gma Fife this past week. It was unexpected, but very welcome.
I am not trunky. Quite often I think, "Oh, I am going to miss ___ when I am back in America" or "I am going to be so happy to have ___ in America" but it certainly isn't making me lazy. If anything, I am working harder now than ever because it is now-or-never time. Like when you are down by a few points with seconds left on the clock. Is that when players give up? No! That is when you give your all, doing everything in your power to see miracles.
Speaking of which, we had a few miracles this week. On Thursday we found a kid named Suzuki and taught him on the street. He is three days younger than me, born the same year. When we got done he said, "I am glad that we met." He committed to coming to church and...he came! He said that he didn't understand most of it, but he liked it nonetheless. After church we had a potluck meal, which Suzuki loved. When we were finishing up eating I asked him if it would be alright to sit down with a member and talk a little bit (have a lesson, for all of you who understand missionary lingo). He said, "Yeah, I actually want to talk with that one guy that taught the lesson today." So we went over and he started asking a lot of questions to a 50 year old brother who had taught our lesson. He asked about the brother's conversion story and about what our church believes. It was awesome! As missionaries we have "Lessons taught" and "Lessons taught with a member present". Normally I would count our lesson as a member present lesson, but that lesson was more like a "Lesson taught with a missionary present" because the member did all of the teaching. It was really good.
This past week we found a snowboarding junkie from Quebec. He was way fun to talk with. And it turns out that his neighbor is a very inactive member that grew up in a nearby town. It is always really weird to knock a door and have the person at the door say, "I'm already a member of your church". Unfortunately he hates the church and his parents and he has no desire of coming back.
This week we had some finding together with a member from the Moiwa ward. We found a 20 year old kid that said that his mom and sister go to our church sometimes. It turns out that they are English class students, and so is the member that we were with, so he knew the kid's family pretty well! The kid committed to coming to English class with his sister next time she comes.
Well, that was about it for the week. We had a lot of rain that made finding a little difficult. I still love missionary work and I love serving in Odori. Thank you for all of your support and love. I love you all.

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