I love the dollar ties here. In fact, I am wearing one right now. I only have 5 right now, but that number may add up over the course of my mission.
I have officially made it through my first transfer in Japan (six weeks). I am staying in Asahikawa for this next transfer with Elder Lottermoser. Something really exciting is that Elder Bednar is coming to the Asahikawa Stake Conference next month. Pretty crazy that a Twelve is coming to little Asahikawa Stake, but pretty awesome. We will be having a mission conference with him (and we just barely had a mission conference last month). We are all way excited here in Asahikawa.
Today we sent to a spo-cha (a sport/game center). It was way fun, and very nice to play some real sports like soccer, basketball, and tennis. We also got to ride really small electric motorbikes around a little track, and that was way fun.
Today (since I found out that I wasn't getting transferred) I finally bought a bike! It has to be shipped to the bike shop I bought it at, so I won't get it until Monday, but I am still excited.
Life in Asahikawa is great. There is an 82 year old lady that has a baptismal date set for two weeks from now. And we have a few more investigators that we hope will be able to set baptismal dates within the next couple weeks.
My Japanese is still improving, bit by bit. Today when I bought my bike, my companion just let me do all of the talking (it was over the phone, too, so I couldn't just point at what I wanted). But I still have a long way to go.
Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. And thanks for being patient when I have to write short emails. I wish I had a lot of time every week to write. I love you that much, I really want to write. So have a great week. Elder Christensen