Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 24, 2009 The Winter Thaw Has Begun

It is awesome that you got to attend the temple dedication. I don't think they even broadcast it in Japan (if they did, we never heard about it). We are all super excited for the upcoming year in the Sapporo mission. According to the rumors running around, we now only need 50 more temple recommend holders before we can get a temple. They already have the land in Sapporo (Pres. Hinckley bought the land 7 years ago). At church on Sunday, the Bishop told everyone that they need to renew their recommends within the next few months. That got people talking.
When is Bryce's mission reunion? That is so cool that you get to speak. I wish I could go and hear you and meet some of Bryce's companions.
This week has been great. We continue to be crazy busy. We have found quite a few people recently that have interest in the gospel, and it is hard to adjust to their schedules and meet with all of them. Today we are going to play games with some of the other missionaries at the church and with a 20-year-old girl that we met yesterday who is going to bring friends. It was pretty crazy meeting her, and I think she could potentially be golden. She just starting talking to us on the street and said "Let's become friends!" We talked for quite a while, and we are hoping that she stays friends with the missionaries. She wants all of her friends to meet the "gaijin"s (foreigners). Anyways, something funny, she tried to set me up on a date with her friend. It was funny trying to explain that we can't date because we are missionaries.
So, my new bike is so nice to have. It is worlds better than the hand-me-down bike that I have been riding for the past 6 weeks.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Thank you for everything. I love you so much.

Elder Christensen