That is crazy that Eric Bushman is back. You should ask him if he knew any Naganuma family in his mission. My companion is from the Kobe area, so Elder Bushman might have served in his ward.
I am glad the cd made it to you safely and that you enjoyed it. I would send stuff like that more often, but it takes a lot of time (which we don't have). But yeah, the 3 other elders in the apartment last transfer were lots of fun. Elder Jankowski is finishing his mission in 4 weeks, and he's from Herriman (near the copper mine). You should have him come over for dinner or something like that.
For me, this week was good. We had a lot of finding time because we only have 1 real investigator. But we were able to set 21 appointments - the highest in the mission this past week! But only one of those appointments actually showed up, so we need to work on the quality of our appointments. We need to push more to try and get phone numbers. Anyways, my companion (Elder Naganuma) is a hard worker.
At nights after planning we don't talk a whole lot. I get a lot written in my journal, though.
This Saturday we didn't get to meet with the Royce chocolate guy (one of his employees died, and he was at the funeral). But he had his wife give us chocolate - it was way nice. I am pretty sure that they gave us over $50 worth of chocolate and it is delicious.
Sunday we had Elder Nishihara of the Seventy at church. They had a little girl give a short talk, then a member give a short talk, and then Elder Nishihara had the rest of the time. He spoke for over 40 minutes! He actually went over time by a few minutes. It was way good.
On Monday we had a good Zone Training meeting and then I was on exchanges the rest of the day with Elder Williams (my Zone Leader from LA). It was lots of fun with him. He likes sports as much as I do, so we talked about sports for most of the day. We set 5 appointments in about 4 hours, so that was good!
Well, that's about it. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers.
Elder Christensen playing piano in the background