Happy 4th of July (or Canada Day for all you Canadians). We had a big zone activity with all of the missionaries in Sapporo with the Daniels today to celebrate. We ate hot dogs, watermelon, brownies, and root beer. It was way good. And we got to play ultimate (but with a football, not a frisbee).
I don't have my list of things to write about, so this email might be short. Sorry.
Yesterday we had a Zone Conference that was really good. One of the highlights for me was a talk that President Daniels gave on Baptism and Repentance. He gave the talk in Japanese, and I was pleased that I understood about 95% of it. My Japanese is slowly but surely improving. But we had an announcement yesterday at Zone Conference that we now only get 30 minutes for language study, as compared to the 60 that we are used to having. So my improvement in Japanese might slow down a little. I am sort of scared about that.
Well, this week was a lot of finding, with a few lessons here and there. We still don't have any good investigators, but on Friday we met a 70 year old that seems like a good investigator. He actually tried to buy us dinner, after only 10 minutes of talking to him. Unfortunately we had an appointment, so we couldn't go get free dinner. But he came to church on Sunday and he fits in really well with all of the members. The only bad thing is that he doesn't live in our area, so we have to hand him over to some other missionaries soon.
Well, sorry that this is short, but I can't remember much more from the week. Plus I actually am in a hurry. Sorry. I love you. Have a great 4th of July.
The picture shows the back of President Daniels. I tried to download a video but it is too long of the missionaries playing. Elder Raymond is playing with Elder Christensen ( from Spanish Fork). but you would have to see the video to see him. Wha. Wynette