I am so happy to hear that BYU pulled off the upset! Also, that is way cool that Dad helped Wright sensei. He was my favorite teacher at the MTC and he really helped me a lot.
This week has been pretty good for me. Time is really starting to fly by for me. It is weird to think that I am getting close to my mid-mission mark. I am still a junior and I am still learning a ton every day, but yet my mission is almost half over.
Last Thurday we taught an After Baptism lesson to Nakajima san, the 71 year old that I baptized a couple months ago. He goes to a different ward, so I never get to see him. So I was happy to hear that he still goes to church every week and reads the Book of Mormon and prays daily. He was such a golden investigator! Just like old times, after the lesson he took us out to eat. That made me happy.
On Sunday we had a meal with all of the single adults in the ward after church to welcome Nojiri san, our recent baptism, into the ward. It was really good for him to make some friends in the ward. Unfortunately, he has plans to move down to Kyoto in a month and a half, so he won't come to this ward for very long. All of the members are trying to convince him to stay, so we'll see what happens.
Something interesting that I learned this week at church is that all of this ward's active priesthood holders are converts except for the Bishop, who was born into the church. In priesthood meeting the Bishop had everyone tell their conversion stories, and it was really cool. A couple of the really strong members in our ward joined because they had an older sibling that became a member and then commanded their younger siblings to listen to the missionaries.
Recently I have gotten a lot of compliments on my $18 suit that I bought at the Goodwill in Portland when I visited McKay last summer. It is probably the best spent $18 of my life.
Yesterday I met a Ukrainian, and that was cool. My Japanese was better than his, so that boosted my confidence.
Well, that is about it. I love you all. Happy 09/09/09 day! (I am surprised that McKay didn't mention that in his email to me)