This week was so-so for me, but it had some great highlights. On Friday we found a guy that was "led by God" to us! That is very rare in Japan. The story goes like this:
The day before he met us, his friend told him that if he gave a donation to a certain restaurant, that good things would happen to him. So he gave the donation, and the next morning he ran into an old friend that he really likes. She is "his type". Later that day, he ran into us, missionaries sharing a message of happiness. So yeah, he is really golden.On Sunday we had Stake Conference in Asahikawa. It was awesome! It is sort of weird to think that I have spent my entire mission thus far in two wards, both of which are in the Asahikawa Stake. At conference I got to see Sister Ishikawa, the old woman that I baptized back in April. She is still way active and way happy. It made both me and her so happy to see each other. Better yet, Elder Lottermoser was there too because he is Assistant to the President. There were quite a few members that I got to talk with and it was so fun. It really is amazing to see the fruits of your labors. Seriously, if I went home today I would be a happy missionary.
It was especially nice to be able to carry on normal conversations with all of the members from Asahikawa. Most of them made some comment or another about my Japanese being much better.
Well, that is about it. The temperature in Sapporo has recently cooled down quite a bit and I am back to wearing my suit coat.
PS - BYU is awesome! Go Cougars, beat the Seminoles!