It sounds like a good week in Utah. The leaves still haven't started changing colors in Sapporo yet, but it should soon. Apparently it is going to get really cold really fast.
There actually isn't a whole lot to write about this week, so I will tell you about the pictures I sent.
The first is us playing my improvised version of Bocce Ball. Every Friday we have a small activity that Elder Yoneda and I plan so that we can get investigators to have a good time at church, in hopes that they will feel comfortable enough to come to Sunday services. Usually we play ping-pong or card games. This week I was in charge of it and I decided we would play Bocce Ball. Unfortunately, we couldn't get any decent balls to play with, so we used ping-pong balls instead. The activity went pretty well, and everyone seemed to have a fun time.
The other picture is us with Sister Ogura, her daughter, and Brother Tashibu. Brother Tashibu just finished up his mission in Nagoya, and it was his first Sunday back in Sapporo. Sister Ogura and her daughter fed all of us dinner. It was sushi, and was way good. After eating, she pulled out her photo album and showed us pictures of various things. She went on a trip to Utah about 20 years ago, and I loved seeing those pictures. They all reminded me of good times. On one page there was a place that looked familiar to me, but Sister Ogura couldn't remember where it was. After thinking for a while I realized where it was - the Pioneer Cemetary in Spanish Fork! What clued me in were the mountains in the background. It was so nice to see Spanish Fork and crazy that an old Japanese member has been so close to our house.
Well, that is about it. I ate SPAM yesterday and it is still way delicious. It is actually pretty pricey in Japan, so I doubt that I'll get to eat it again any time soon.
I love you all. Have a great week.