Hi Family!
General Conference this past week was really good. We had some technical difficulties and missed half of the Sunday Morning session, so I am excited to get the Liahona next month.
Now, for some exciting news: I am transferring! I am going to a relatively small town called Iwamizawa. It is just a little north of Sapporo, and I am going to be back in the Asahikawa Zone. So I will get to return to Asahikawa for Zone Conference and interviews. My companion is going to be Elder Thurber from Orem (my first Utah companion!). He is one transfer younger than me, but we are both becoming seniors. I don't know how a co-seniorship is going to work out, and it seems that neither does anyone else. I think we are just going to rock-paper-scissors for every decision.
So I am going to have a lot of new experiences this transfer. I am excited and scared, but I know that I can do it. Elder Thurber is a way good missionary, and I am excited to work with him. Iwamizawa hasn't had a baptism since I came to Hokkaido 8 months ago, so we have our work cut out for us.
Well, that is about it. I love you all. Thank you for all of your love and letters. Have a great week.