Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Zone Conference
Guess what? It snowed! We woke up to over half a foot of snow this morning. And the other exciting news of the day: we got new cell phones! Too bad they are ginormously big and hard to use. I am glad I will only have to use them for a few more weeks. They are probably the biggest disappointment of my entire mission.
Anyways, as far as my week went, it was fun! We sort of forgot that it was Thanksgiving until the day before. But we got to have a great meal provided by Sister Daniels that was typical Thanksgiving. It was really delicious.
On Wednesday we met a really cool guy in his twenties that told us, "My parents are members, but they don't go to church any more. I never got baptized, but I still remember most of the things from church." We were way excited for him to come to church, but unfortunately he didn't show.
On Thanksgiving (before the delicious meal) we had a Zone Training meeting where I learned a bit. Since it was my last Zone meeting as a missionary I got to give my "final testimony". It was sad and surreal. I never thought I would ever have to do it. But it was a really good experience and we were all able to feel the Spirit.
On Friday we had a cool experience. We were doing some finding near a university and at one door an African girl opened the door. I was a little surprised, but said "Oh hi. Nice to meet you. I am Elder Christensen and I'm from America. Where are you from?" to which she replied, "Zambia. Do you want to come in?" So we got to go in and teach her and her friend Alick (who is also from Zambia) and it went really well. She is only in Sapporo for a couple more weeks, but Alick has been living here for years and he wants to continue meeting with us and learning about the Restoration.
Yesterday they had a Primary program for Sacrament Meeting at the ward in which we attended. It was way good and everyone enjoyed it. There were only about 8 kids, but they did a really good job.
Anyways, sorry this email isn't as good as my recent ones. I sort of can't concentrate at the moment. But I still love you.

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